
Our database contains 37,617 approved salary profiles from Romania.

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The newest profiles in the salary survey

Gender Position and category Region Company size Age group Net monthly salary
gender_icon HR Generalist Human Resources Ilfov County n/a 5,830.00 RON
gender_icon Software Engineer Information Technology Iași County middle company (51 - 249 employees) 12,000.00 RON
gender_icon Assistant Administration Bucharest middle company (51 - 249 employees) 25-34 4,183.00 RON
gender_icon Shelf Stacker/Merchandiser Commerce Suceava County middle company (51 - 249 employees) 35-44 3,300.00 RON
gender_icon Design Engineer Car Industry Cluj County n/a 25-34 8,900.00 RON
gender_icon Data entry operator Administration Dâmbovița County large company (250 and more employees) 25-34 4,000.00 RON
gender_icon Programmer Information Technology Bucharest large company (250 and more employees) 25-34 14,587.00 RON
gender_icon Bidding engineer Construction & Real Estate Sibiu County n/a 25-34 4,900.00 RON
gender_icon Recruiter Human Resources Bucharest n/a 25-34 5,400.00 RON
gender_icon Electrician (industrial) Electrical & Power Engineering Mureș County n/a 5,740.00 RON